The Board
Matthew Donaldson
ChairmanGeorge Ottathycal
Chief Executive OfficerMassimo Della Ragione
Non-Executive DirectorNicola Falcinelli
Non-Executive DirectorDavid Miller
Non-Executive DirectorJulian Parmar
Non-Executive DirectorBen Petkevicius
Non-Executive DirectorChristian Resch
Non-Executive DirectorEmanuele Solidoro
Non-Executive DirectorBoard of Statutory Auditors
Luca Ceron
Tax & Corporate AdvisorArianna Petrara
CounselGiacomo Previtali
Chartered accountant, ChairmanPrima is audited by Deloitte & Touche SpA in Milan.
Our organisation, management and control model
We've adopted the 231 organisation model, to prevent unlawful acts and protect our company from administrative liability.
Supervisory Body
Antonella Calogiuri
Chief Compliance OfficerJean Paule Castagno
LawyerLuca Ceron
Tax & Corporate AdvisorPrima is a regulated insurance distributor in three countries
In Italy, Prima Assicurazioni, S.p.A. ("Prima") is an Italian insurance distributor ("Agent") with registered office in Milan (Italy), Piazzale Loreto, 17, 20131, registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Milano Monza Brianza Lodi and in Section A (Agents) of the Single Register of Insurance Intermediaries of the Istituto per la vigilanza sulle assicurazioni (IVASS) under code A-000511660. Prima Assicurazioni S.p.A. is subject to supervision by IVASS and registered with the RUI under number A000511660. See registration details at
In the United Kingdom, Prima Subsidiary Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Pro MGA Solutions Ltd who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under reference 770419.Representative. Prima Subsidiary Ltd is registered in England (No:12728615), Registered Office: 71-73 Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5EQ. Contact information:
In Spain, Prima operates under the right of establishment, through the branch Prima Assicurazioni S.p.A., Sucursal en España ("Prima Sucursal en España"), with tax identification number (N.I.F.) W0233473H and registered office in Madrid (Spain), calle Nanclares de Oca, 1B, 28022, and is registered in the Registro administrativo de distribuidores de seguros y reaseguros de la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, and in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid in volume 42.460, folio 121, page M-751390, 1st entry. Prima Sucursal in Spain operates as an insurance agent of the insurance company iptiQ EMEA P&C S.A. Contact information: