Our journey is just beginning
We're fast becoming one of the world's most successful insurtechs. Already, we've achieved more than 3M happy customers and €880M in gross written premiums. Our future growth is built on a scalable model, in-house technology and a customer-centric approach.
Founded in 1869, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services to corporations, financial institutions, governments and individuals.
Blackstone is a leading global investment business investing capital on behalf of pension funds, large institutions and individuals across the alternative asset classes in private equity, real estate, credit and hedge funds as well as in infrastructure, life sciences, insurance and growth equity..
The Carlyle Group Inc. is a global alternative asset management firm. The group advises specialized investment funds and other investment vehicles that invest across various industries, geographies, asset classes and investment strategies.
We thrive as one
From the top down, we believe in the power of collaboration and community. We believe in reaching across organisational boundaries to form alliances and learn from different cultures. This commitment to working as one – we call it horizontal leadership – shapes everything we do.
Expanding our reach and reputation
Group Gross Written PremiumWith an increase of 47% compared to previous year
CustomersWe've gone from 1M customers in 2020, to over 3.0M in 2023, reaching over 4M in 2024
MarketsWe’re serving customers across Italy, the UK and Spain, making us a truly global player
Group EBITDAStrong profitability, with an increase of 257% compared to previous year
The Leading European InsurTech 2.0
Italian online Motor Champion
#1Already profitable YE23 Group net income is
30M+Trusted by
4M+GWP expected by 2024 YE
TechCreating long term value
We know the importance of managing our business in a responsible and sustainable way. That means creating long-term value for our customers, our people and our investors.
Prima is a regulated insurance distributor in three countries
In Italy, Prima Assicurazioni, S.p.A. ("Prima") is an Italian insurance distributor ("Agent") with registered office in Milan (Italy), Piazzale Loreto, 17, 20131, registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Milano Monza Brianza Lodi and in Section A (Agents) of the Single Register of Insurance Intermediaries of the Istituto per la vigilanza sulle assicurazioni (IVASS) under code A-000511660. See registration details at www.servizi.ivass.it.
In the United Kingdom, Prima Subsidiary Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Pro MGA Solutions Ltd who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under reference 770419.Representative. Prima Subsidiary Ltd is registered in England (No:12728615), Registered Office: 71-73 Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5EQ. Contact information: https://www.fca.org.uk/contact.
In Spain, Prima operates in Spain under the right of establishment, through the branch Prima Assicurazioni S.p.A., Sucursal en España ("Prima Sucursal en España"), with tax identification number (N.I.F.) W0233473H and registered office in Madrid (Spain), calle Nanclares de Oca, 1B, 28022, and is registered in the Registro administrativo de distribuidores de seguros y reaseguros de la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, and in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid in volume 42.460, folio 121, page M-751390, 1st entry.